organizer's rules
Every dog must be covered by liability insurance.
Each dog must have a valid rabies vaccination certificate.
Passing through Wandschamel is only permitted in accordance with the posted signage and should be done at the lowest possible speed. The person responsible for any damage to fields along the road will be held liable.
All rules and requirements outlined in the FCI guidelines for organizing the FCI World Championship (FCI-WM) for Tracking Dogs must be adhered to.
In all public areas, dogs must always be kept on a leash or wear a muzzle.
Dog waste must be disposed of (bags and bins are available at the headquarters venue).
Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times throughout the venue grounds.
Competition Ground
The following guidelines must be strictly observed in the tracking areas. These have been agreed upon with the landowners and the local hunting society:
Handlers and team leaders may drive their vehicles, along with four passengers per vehicle, onto the grounds to park in their assigned spots or watch the competition.
Parking is only allowed in areas assigned by the guide.
Entering the trial grounds is strictly prohibited for all, except authorized persons.
Dogs must always be kept on a leash without exception (except during the dog’s own trial on the grounds).
Training is prohibited in the entire trial area (within a 50 km radius of the headquarters). Violations will result in disqualification.
Health Requirements
Only dogs in good health are allowed to participate in the World Championship. Bringing animals with visible signs of illness or those subject to veterinary or quarantine restrictions is not permitted. Additionally, dogs must not be subjected to prohibited practices, such as measures intended to alter their appearance, performance, behavior, or character inappropriately, or to conceal signs of injury or illness.
Excerpt from the Animal Welfare Ac
Please note that under Austrian law, it is strictly forbidden to use violence against animals or to use any type of electrifying or chemical training devices, prong collars, or choke collars on your dogs. Any violation of these rules will result in disqualification and expulsion from the venue. Chain collars are permitted but must have a stopper to prevent tightening.
Failure to comply with the above points may result in disqualification!