The eligibility of the participants must be verified by the team leader before registering the starters.
Excerpt from the specifications for the organization of the FCI World Championship for Tracking Dogs:
4.8. extract
At the veterinary inspection, each competitor must present a veterinary certificate in English stating that the dog is physically able to meet the requirements of the test.
It is the responsibility of the person responsible for the dog to clarify how a possible treatment (e.g. waiting times after medical treatment) or other measures can affect the dog's eligibility to participate. The person in charge of the dog must also observe the regulations of his own NCO.
A doping test can be performed. If the NCO or the management for the championship decides to take a sample to investigate a possible doping or other inappropriate measures, the person responsible for the dog has to make the dog concerned available for examination and further examination resulting from the test.
Each competitor must be a member of an FCI-NCO or an organisation that has been invited to take part by the FCI Utility Dogs Commission. The right of an NCO to start in the FCI World Championship/FCI European Championship (FCI-EC) can be given according to the following principles, the application of which is left up to the NCO:
• Nationality
• legal residence (in accordance with the FCI Statutes)
• the dog owner must have the nationality of the country for which his/her dog will compete or must have his/her legal residence for a minimum of 12 months in the country for which he/she will compete. If the dog owner has a double nationality, he/she can choose either Specifications for the organization of the World (FCI-WC) or FCI European (FCI-EC) Championship for Tracking Dogs according to FCI-IGP-FH regulations Page 8 country without any restriction. If difficulties arise, they must be referred to the FCI General Committee for final settlement.
• No matter his/her nationality, the dog handler will not be allowed to compete for more than one country and will be authorized to handle only one dog.
• The dog must have been registered with the studbook or appendix to the studbook of the country for which it will compete for a minimum of 6 months.
Only dogs selected by the NCO which have successfully passed a test according to FCI-IFH with a training degree (AKZ) can be admitted to the FCI World Championship (FCI-WC) / FCI European Championship (FCI-EC)
However, it is important to emphasize that the requirement is not exclusively limited to the FCI-IGP FH exam. Dogs that have passed the IFH 2 exam with a qualification (until December 31, 2024) or the IFH 3 exam with a qualification (from January 1, 2025) are also eligible for the FCI World Championship (FCI-WM).
Summary of eligibility requirements:
• IFH 2 (until December 31, 2024) or
• IFH 3 (from January 1, 2025)
The dog must be registered in a studbook recognised by the FCI or in the “appendix to the studbook”. In addition, dogs that are registered in the studbook of an organization that is a cooperating partner of the FCI may also participate. Surgically castrated males and females are admitted if the original integrity is proven by a veterinary certificate.​​​
The following certificates and documents must be brought:
Each participant must present a veterinary certificate in English at the veterinary check, confirming that the dog is physically capable of meeting the requirements of the competition
Surgically castrated bitches and dogs are allowed if a veterinary certificate proves the original physical integrity. (No specific form required for the certificate)
Score book
Pedigree of the dog
National flag (for entrance and award ceremony)
Honorary prize from the respective nation (to be handed over at the tournament headquarters office at the start of the event)
Additional important information:​
No card payments will be accepted at the event – Cash only → Euro
Please kindly send in advance:
The national anthem via email to info@fci-igp-fh-wch2025.at
A picture of each participant as part of the registration process via Caniva
The dogs must be insured. The insurance must include coverage abroad (Austria). The dog owner is liable for any damage caused by the dog that is not covered by the insurance.
Information on import regulations can be found at: ww.oesterreich.gv.at
Team leaders' meeting (+ drawing of the nations' order for the individual draw)​
Before commencement of the FCI World Championship (FCI-WC)/FCI European Championship (FCIEC), the president of the FCI Utility Dogs Commission shall call a team leader meeting to be attended by the track supervisor, trial judges and the person in charge of organisation, the trial chairperson and the team leaders. At the team leader meeting, the order in which the countries are drawn is determined by drawing lots.
Final team leaders' meeting​
After the FCI World Championship (FCI-WC)/ FCI European Championship (FCI-EC) the president of the FCI Utility Dogs Commission shall call a team leader meeting to be attended by the track supervisor, the trial judges, the person in charge of the organisation and the team leader. The event that just took place, experiences and possible improvements are discussed at the team leader meeting.
This meeting will take place before the award ceremony.